Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Happy (day after) Valentine's Day

Happy Valentine's Day!! Hope everyone's day was filled with lots of love and happiness =).When Nic and I worked at the elementary school, one of our co-workers mentioned how his family made presents for each other every Christmas. Well, with our new move, we decided to go on the cheaper side and make things for each other for Valentine's Day.

Nic's was by far more romantic, so I'm going to start with his present:

It's an ice sculpture in the shape of a heart! AND it has a real rose inside of it!

It's currently living in the freezer. I'm hoping to keep it as long as I can.

As for what I gave Nic:

It's a magnet made from perler beads. Hahaha, I remembered playing with these when I was little and having a lot of fun with it. Seemed like a cute, fun to-make present. And of course, I felt the need to appeal to the nerdier side of Nic with these:

They are coasters of Mario related things! Actually, it was supposed to be a set of 6, but I had the perler beads shipped to Korea and ran out of colors to do them all =(. I was super disappointed and kept saying things to Nic like, "I'm so sorry Nic, but I'm out of colors and can't finish your present." Disappointed!!!!! But, at least these ones were ready for Valentine's Day. Next year, I'll just have to get him chocolate.

Nic and I:

Nic's Tidbits:

Happy Valentine’s Day Two!

We had a good little holiday out here in Korea with each other. As Deb showed, I decided to make an ice sculpture this year. It was a lot of fun! But trickier than I thought it would be.

For anyone interested, I took a heart shaped bowl and laid plastic down on the sides. Then I filled it with water and pushed a rose down with a small weight. It came out easy thanks to the plastic, so now it's super cool looking!

Also, I had just been freaking out about getting coasters. The coffee table in the living room isn't ours technically and I didn't want to hurt it.

Bonus! Here's a picture from our welcome party!

I have a couple more, but since Deb veto'd them since she's pretty silly looking in them (mostly "take the damn picture already Nic" face).

See you next time!


Sunday, February 5, 2012

Star earrings**

This blog was meant to be updated weekly, but Nic and I just seem to run into the stupidest of problems when it's time to post something. For example, tonight.
Debra: Where's the camera?
Nic: It's here!.... or not. I stood here and took a picture and then....
30 minutes later- the camera is found!! (it was hiding behind my black angry bird stuffed animal)
So, yay! Camera!! And then...
Debra: Where's my earrings that I wanted to use in the post for tonight?
15 minutes later- the earrings are found! (they were camouflaging with my other stars)

I posted about 2 weeks ago that I went a little star crazy. This is what came of it! Star earrings!
After folding the paper into cute star shapes, I glossed them with glossy varnish stuff to make them shiny and hard enough to wear without falling apart. Here they are up close:

Lastly, a picture of me. It's passed 9pm here so I wasn't in the mood for getting dressed up for the pic, so this is the best shot that I could get Nic to take. =).

Nic and I have finally finished moving all of our stuff into the new apartment- it was no small feat to get all of our stuff here. I don't even want to think about the nightmarish trips that we made to lug all our stuff from the old place to the new place. Now the place is just in that messy stage of trying to figure out where we put everything and where we shooooooooould put everything. I'm hoping that by the next shinybits post that things will be more organized in the apt, and thus, we'll be more prepared for making awesome posts.

Nic's tidbits:

Oh good lord. I never want to carry another giant bag/ suitcase on the subway again. Or drag something up a hill. It was awfully Sisyphiean. Debra wasn't kidding about the mess either- we've got clothes of all shapes and sizes, random Nic's Knacks (and Debra's Knacks) on every surface... sheesh.

We installed a giant set of bars across one of our storage rooms to act as a wardrobe/ makeshift walk in closet. They were designed specifically for that purpose but I have no idea what to call them. I got them since we needed more closet space (or any, really) and we were given $70 worth of gift money at our local emart (think walmart) for signing up with our internet service.

ANYWAY, once I had installed the dang thing we realized we didn't have any hangers since we didn't have any place to put them before we bought this thing. Now I have to go buy 50+ hangers in order to have enough floor space to walk... sigh.

All in all, I learned quite a bit more about moving. I thought I knew quite a bit already but a lot of the particulars always went to Mom and Pop. Also, not having a car kinda increased the difficulty.

I know none of that was relevant or interesting to most of you, but I had to get it out of my system. We're almost through winter here and since so much of it has been about this move or Christmas or New Years or whatever, Deb and I haven't gotten around to having ourselves a nice trip for ourselves. I hope we can manage that before all the ice is gone (we haven't even had a snowball fight!).

Thanks for coming to visit the blog everyone, and I hope that We'll have a nice Valentine post for you soon!